Focus on the patient: New websites for DRV Bund rehabilitation clinics

Die Website der DRV Reha Kliniken auf einem Laptop

The competition among rehabilitation clinics is increasing. With a captivating design and engaging, accessible content, we put the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund clinics in perspective and simplify the selection process for patients and applicants.

We ensure the quality of rehabilitation clinics is also visible on the web

Whereas the health insurance company selected the rehabilitation centres a long time, the “right to wish and choose” applies since 2015. This meaning Patients can decide for themselves where they want to receive rehabilitation services. And how do they do that? Online, of course!

Until now, the websites of the DRV Bund rehabilitation centres did not cut the best figure. The design was outdated, the page structure unclear and the texts were difficult to understand. The top quality of medical care and the variety of therapy and counseling services were not visible on the websites. Our mission was to improve that.

Understandable and understanding – like the clinic team, like the website

Not only patients inform themselves online but also nursing staff and doctors looking for a job often get their first impression of a potential new employer on its website. Hence, the new websites should support the centres in attracting employees.

Experience matters, especially when looking for a rehabilitation centre

The starting point of the project was a detailed design research, an analysis of the market and relevant search engine data as well as an audit of the existing content. A content strategy derived from this laid the foundation of the new site’s concept and design. The first prototype proved its worth to users in usability tests. It quickly became evident that people looking for a rehabilitation centre often find themselves in a vulnerable situation. They want to feel understood and in safe hands. This is exactly what a good user experience can provide.

Ausschnitte der DRV Reha Kliniken Website auf einem Screen

Easy to find and accessible for everyone

To ensure that the new clinic websites are optimally findable via search engines, IBM iX created an SEO concept and supported the editorial team of the DRV Bund rehabilitation clinics in its implementation.

In addition to findability, it is highly important that all people can use the sites comfortably – for example if they have mobility or visual impairments or are no native speakers of the German language. Therefore, accessibility was a priority not only in the design of the user interface but equally in the creation of the content.

User-friendly, personal, and up-to-date

With their new websites, the 28 rehabilitation clinics of the DRV Bund maintain a friendly and self-confident appearance. The clinics are clearly recognisable as a group while highlighting their respective special features.
Patients now experience comprehensible, personal texts and benefit from a modern, visual user interface. Quality seals, certifications, and ratings from other users support the selection of a rehabilitation clinic.
A new career section offers job seekers the opportunity to find a suitable position in one of the clinics. The advantages of working in a rehabilitation centre are highlighted and the DRV Bund appears as an attractive employer brand.

Google Bewertungen der DRV Kliniken auf einem Screen Eine Frau sitzt am Computer

Experience design and content design from a single source

Design Research

To fully understand the target groups, we combine quantitative data analysis with qualitative research. For the DRV Bund rehabilitation clinics, we conducted interviews with patients, doctors, social services, and job seekers. At the same time, we talked to various stakeholders who knew the clinics by heart, such as experts in the clinics’ administration.

Content Strategy

The insights gained from research and analysis of the market, existing content and relevant search engine data build the framework for a content strategy. Within the content strategy, we focus on the target groups and their individual needs. A topic matrix based on these forms the fundamental structure for the content of the web pages.

Tonality Concept and Editorial Coaching

Approachable, encouraging, personal: that’s how the new clinic websites sound. To support the editorial team of the DRV Bund, we provided a tonality concept with practical examples. In an editorial training course conducted by IBM iX, the editorial team was able to practise the new writing style, ask questions and acquire skills in SEO and accessible content.

Experience Design

The new design adopts central elements of the main Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund website, thus establishing a recognition factor. New formats and the visual preparation of information make the clinics’ websites appealing and easy to grasp.

Content Migration Support

The new design incorporates central elements of the main website of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund and creates a high recognition value. By introducing new formats as well as a visual presentation of information, the websites of the clinics became appealing and easy to navigate.


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